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Usage: Sync health data automatically

Schedule automatic syncs with every app launch or in background.

You can implement automatic syncs using any of the following:

  • Background Sync: Syncs every hour without opening the app, recommended if your project supports Android 15 (SDK 35).
  • Continuous Upload: Syncs every time you call it on foreground, recommended if your project is still on Android 14 (SDK 34) or lower.
  • Yesterday Sync: Syncs every time an Activity is in a specific lifecycle state (CREATED, STARTED or RESUMED).

You should not use them at the same time as that could negatively affect your Health Connect request quota, however you can use them conditionally to cover edge cases like a user whose device does not support Background Sync, in that case using Continuous Upload will ensure that data is synced when your app is in foreground.

Background sync


Background Sync is only available in 2.0.0-alpha01+ version.

Background Sync allows to schedule an automatic syncs every hour in the background.

You can call its functions by creating an instance with a context:

val rookBackgroundSyncManager = RookBackgroundSyncManager(context)


Or using the Companion object and providing a context with each call:


The following table describes Background Sync frequency of synchronization and historical range of each Health structure:

Health structureFrequencyHistorical range
Sleep SummaryOnce per day29 days in the past until yesterday
Body SummaryOnce per day29 days in the past until yesterday
Physical SummaryOnce per day29 days in the past until yesterday
Physical ActivityOnce per hour29 days in the past until today
StepsOnce per hourToday
Body metricsOnce per hourToday
Heart rateOnce per hourToday
Blood pressureOnce per hourToday
Blood glucoseOnce per hourToday
OxygenationOnce per hourToday
TemperatureOnce per hourToday


To use Background Sync you will need:

  • Health Connect permissions: Go to the main Health Connect Permissions section to see the implementation.
  • Background read permissions: Go to the main Background Read permissions section to see the implementation.

Background Sync also requires a user id, so it's possible that the first time nothing will happen, only after a user id is configured and all necessary permissions are granted the automatic sync will happen within the next hour.


To schedule a background sync for every hour call schedule:

rookBackgroundSyncManager.schedule(enableLogs = isDebug)

We recommend calling schedule in the onCreate callback of your Application class:

class MyAplication : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {

// It's a good practice to ask your users if they want to enable this behaviour
// and wrap this line inside an if which checks a preferences-stored flag
if (userAllowedBackgroundSync) {
RookBackgroundSyncManager.schedule(this, enableLogs = isDebug)

It's a good practice to ask your users if they want to enable this behaviour, then save their preference in local storage and call schedule conditionally.


Once started Background Sync will attempt to sync all historic data, and will stop after it finishes or until the Health Connect request quota is exceeded.

To cancel any scheduled background sync call cancel:


If you want to check the current state of Background Sync call isScheduled or isScheduledFlow (Experimental):

fun howToCheckBackgroundSyncState() {
// Get latest state
coroutineScope.launch {
val isScheduled: Boolean = rookBackgroundSyncManager.isScheduled().getOrDefault(defaultValue = false)

// Update UI

// Receive real-time updates
viewModelScope.launch {
rookBackgroundSyncManager.isScheduledFlow().collectLatest { isScheduled: Boolean ->
// Update UI

Don't use isScheduled or isScheduledFlow to decide if you should call schedule, if you do this future improvements to the Background Sync behavior may not be applied, the "isScheduled" functions are only meant for UI related purposes.

Execution/Skip conditions

Each periodic execution of Background Sync will check for some requirements, and will skip the execution if one the following conditions is true:

  • The device battery is low.
  • The device storage is low.
  • The device is not connected to the internet.
  • The userID hasn't been configured.
  • The most recent request exceeded the Health Connect request quota.
  • The device has previously exceeded the Health Connect request quota and less than 60 minutes have passed.
  • The user hasn't granted Health Connect Permissions.
  • The user hasn't granted Background Read Permissions.
  • There is an error initializing the SDK.

Continuous upload

RookContinuousUploadManager allows to launch 29 days historic health data synchronizations.

You can call its functions by creating an instance with a context:

val rookContinuousUploadManager = RookContinuousUploadManager(context)


Or using the Companion object and providing a context with each call:


The following table describes Continuous upload frequency of synchronization and historical range of each Health structure:

Health structureFrequencyHistorical range
Sleep SummaryEach time launch or launchInForegroundService is called29 days in the past until yesterday
Body SummaryEach time launch or launchInForegroundService is called29 days in the past until yesterday
Physical SummaryEach time launch or launchInForegroundService is called29 days in the past until yesterday
Physical ActivityEach time launch or launchInForegroundService is called29 days in the past until today
StepsEach time launch or launchInForegroundService is calledToday


Starts an immediate health data synchronization. This function won't display a notification, if the app goes to the background the synchronization will fail.


coroutineScope.launch {
RookContinuousUploadManager.launch(context, enableLogs)


Starts an immediate health data synchronization in a foreground service. This function will display a notification, if the app goes to the background the synchronization will continue until it finishes, then the notification will be removed.


coroutineScope.launch {
RookContinuousUploadManager.launchInForegroundService(context, enableLogs)


We recommend calling launch or launchInForegroundService in the onCreate callback of your Application class:

class MyAplication : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {

coroutineScope.launch {
// It's a good practice to ask your users if they want to enable this behaviour
// and wrap this line inside an if which checks a preferences-stored flag

// Without notification
if (userAllowedContinuousUpload) {
// Call launch or launchInForegroundService

It's a good practice to ask your users if they want to enable this behaviour, then save their preference in local storage and call launch or launchInForegroundService conditionally.


Once started launch or launchInForegroundService will attempt to sync all historic data, and it will shut down itself after it finishes or until the Health Connect request quota is exceeded.


launch or launchInForegroundService are intended to be called only once in your apps lifecycle, like the Application class onCreate callback.

Customizing the foreground service notification

launchInForegroundService runs in a Foreground Service is used, this service requires a notification to be displayed until the synchronization finishes.

The notification has the next default values:

  • Icon
  • Title: Sync service
  • Content: Syncing your health data…

To use your own resources you need to reference them in the AndroidManifest.xml file:

<manifest xmlns:android="">



Starting on Android 13 (SDK 33) this notification can be dismissed without finishing the service associated with it, then the service will be displayed in the active apps section (This may vary depending on device brand).

Launch/Stop conditions

launch / launchInForegroundService won't start or will stop if one the following conditions is true:

  • The device battery is low.
  • The device storage is low.
  • The device is not connected to the internet.
  • The userID hasn't been configured.
  • The most recent request exceeded the Health Connect request quota.
  • The device has previously exceeded the Health Connect request quota and less than 60 minutes have passed.
  • The user hasn't granted Health Connect Permissions.
  • There is an error initializing the SDK.
  • The user hasn't granted Android Permissions (only applies for launchInForegroundService).
  • The app is in the background when calling launch / launchInForegroundService.

Yesterday sync

RookYesterdaySync is a preconfigured component to execute an automatic sync for the past 29-day summaries and activities.

The following table describes Yesterday sync frequency of synchronization and historical range of each Health structure:

Health structureFrequencyHistorical range
Sleep SummaryEach time CREATED, STARTED or RESUMED is triggered29 days in the past until yesterday
Body SummaryEach time CREATED, STARTED or RESUMED is triggered29 days in the past until yesterday
Physical SummaryEach time CREATED, STARTED or RESUMED is triggered29 days in the past until yesterday
Physical ActivityEach time CREATED, STARTED or RESUMED is triggered29 days in the past until today
StepsEach time CREATED, STARTED or RESUMED is triggeredToday

To create a RookYesterdaySync instance use the rookYesterdaySync delegate providing:

  • enableLogs: See the logs generated by this SDK.
  • state: Lifecycle state to trigger the sync process at. Supported values: CREATED (Default), STARTED, RESUMED.
class HomeActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

private val rookYesterdaySync by rookYesterdaySync(
enableLogs = true,
state = Lifecycle.State.CREATED,

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// Must be before super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)
// Using userAcceptedYesterdaySync we ensure to enable the YesterdaySync feature only if the user accepted it
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q && homeViewModel.userAcceptedYesterdaySync) {


We recommend you to ask your users if they want to enable this behaviour, then save their preference in local storage and call enable conditionally.


Once started rookYesterdaySync will attempt to sync all historic data, and it will shut down itself after it finishes or until the Health Connect request quota is exceeded.


rookYesterdaySync is intended to be used once in your app, if your app has multiple activities, try to configure rookYesterdaySync in the Home/Main activity that you display when your app's users are logged in.


To use rookYesterdaySync you will need:


rookYesterdaySync also requires a user id, so it's possible that the first time you launch your app nothing will happen, only after a user id is configured and all necessary permissions are granted the automatic sync will happen the next time the app is launched.

Customizing the foreground service notification

To sync health data automatically a Foreground Service is used, this service requires a notification to be displayed until the synchronization finishes.

The notification has the next default values:

  • Icon
  • Title: Sync service
  • Content: Syncing your health data…

To use your own resources you need to reference them in the AndroidManifest.xml file:

<manifest xmlns:android="">



Starting on Android 13 (SDK 33) this notification can be dismissed without finishing the service associated with it, then the service will be displayed in the active apps section (This may vary depending on device brand).

Launch/Stop conditions

rookYesterdaySync won't start or will stop if one the following conditions is true:

  • The device battery is low.
  • The device storage is low.
  • The device is not connected to the internet.
  • The userID hasn't been configured.
  • The most recent request exceeded the Health Connect request quota.
  • The device has previously exceeded the Health Connect request quota and less than 60 minutes have passed.
  • The user hasn't granted Health Connect Permissions.
  • There is an error initializing the SDK.
  • The user hasn't granted Android Permissions.