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Install the rook-sdk library and learn about its features.


  • Get authorization.
  • Register users.
  • Sync Health Connect summaries and events.
  • Schedule automatic Health Connect summary syncs every time the app is launched or in background.
  • Track and upload steps from Android System in background.
  • Show a connections page for other data sources inside the app.
Health Connect (HC) known issues

Health Connect is a container of data where apps can READ and WRITE from and into it, that means for the ideal scenario both the provider (application that writes) and the consumer (application that reads) have to be working correctly.

There have been numerous reports of apps failing to synchronize data with Health Connect due to technical issues within the HC platform itself or because of the providers, like Samsung Health not being able to send steps into HC or not updating them with enough frequency.

Finally, we'd like you to remember that we are always improving our SDK to offer the best experience, however, the Health Connect platform is in an alpha state, so it's functionality sometimes may not always be the expected.

Development environment

Android Studio

The SDK requires Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 (Nov 2023) or higher.


Maven Central

In your build.gradle (app module) add the required dependencies.

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