ROOK (2.0.1)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
ROOK is a set of services that simplifies the collection, processing, and delivering of Users' HealthData from various data sources.
You can use the following constants to test the API and receive default responses:
- client_uuid = Your "client_uuid" for testing you can use: 'demoClientUUID'
- client secret = Your "client secret" for testing you can use: 'demoClientSecret'
- user_id = Your "user_id" for testing you can use: 'demoUserId'
- date = Your "date" for testing you can use: '2022-10-28'
Fetches user information for the given user ID and date.
query Parameters
user_id required | string (schema_user_id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,50}$ Example: user_id=demoUserId Unique identifier for the user. Can include numerals, UUID4, strings, or other identifiers. Length must be between 1 to 50 characters. |
date required | string <date> Example: date=2023-01-01 Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Response samples
- 200
- 204
{- "client_uuid": "demoClientUUID",
- "user_id": "demoUserId",
- "version": 2,
- "document_version": 1,
- "metadata": {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "sources_of_data_array": [
- "Polar"
], - "user_id_string": "demoUserId"
}, - "data_structure": "user_info",
- "user_information": {
- "user_body_metrics": {
- "height_cm_int": 0,
- "weight_kg_float": 0.1
}, - "user_demographics": {
- "sex_string": "string",
- "gender_string": "string",
- "date_of_birth_string": "string",
- "country_string": "string",
- "state_string": "string",
- "city_string": "string",
- "ethnicity_string": "string",
- "income_string": "string",
- "marital_status_string": "string",
- "time_zone_string": "string",
- "education_string": "string"
[User][Time Zone]
Receives and updates the user's time zone information.
path Parameters
user_id required | string (schema_user_id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,50}$ Example: demoUserId Unique identifier for the user. Can include numerals, UUID4, strings, or other identifiers. Length must be between 1 to 50 characters. |
Request Body schema: application/json
time_zone | string Continent/City Specifies the user's time zone in the 'Continent/City' format, following the IANA Time Zone Database naming convention. This format ensures global standardization and prevents ambiguity. |
offset | string +|- HH:MM Represents the difference in hours and minutes between the specified time zone and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
This offset allows precise time conversion across different regions.
This offset should align with the standard time difference of the provided |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "offset": "-08:00"
Response samples
- 200
- 204
- 400
- 401
- 404
{- "message": "Time zone and offset successfully updated for the user."
User information receives and processes user information from users
Request Body schema: application/json
datetime | string <date-time> (datetime_iso8601) Date and time in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ). |
user_id | string (schema_user_id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,50}$ |
date_of_birth_string | string <date> |
height_cm_int | integer |
weight_kg_float | number <float> |
bmi_float | number <float> |
sex_string | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "datetime": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "user_id": "demoUserId",
- "date_of_birth_string": "2024-04-21",
- "height_cm_int": 0,
- "weight_kg_float": 0.1,
- "bmi_float": 0.1,
- "sex_string": "male"
Response samples
- 201
- 401
- 422
{- "message": "added"
[User][Data Sources][Revoke]
Revokes user authorization for the specified data source.
path Parameters
user_id required | string (schema_user_id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,50}$ Example: demoUserId Unique identifier for the user. Can include numerals, UUID4, strings, or other identifiers. Length must be between 1 to 50 characters. |
Request Body schema: application/json
data_source | string Must be one of Garmin, Oura, Apple Health, Health Connect, Android, Polar, Fitbit, Withings, Whoop. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "data_source": "Polar"
Response samples
- 200
- 204
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 422
{- "message": "Authorization for the specified user data source has been successfully revoked"
[Client][Webhooks][Resend Notification]
Endpoint to resend rejected notifications
Request Body schema: application/json
start | string <date> |
finish | string <date> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "start": "2024-04-20",
- "finish": "2024-04-21"
Response samples
- 200
- 204
- 400
- 401
{- "message": "Success",
- "total_docs_to_resend": 29
This endpoint allows clients to check the authorization status of their users across various data sources on a specific date. It provides the total number of users, their activity status, and detailed authorization information.
query Parameters
up_to_date required | string <date> ^d{4}-d{2}-d{2}$ Example: up_to_date=2025-01-15 Date in YYYY-MM-DD format that defines the limit for the endpoint data. It cannot be in the future and must be no more than 6 months prior to the current date. |
page | integer <int32> Example: page=1 Specifies the page number to retrieve in a paginated response. If not provided, defaults to page 1. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "up_to_date": "2025-01-25",
- "total_created_users": 2500,
- "total_active_users": 359,
- "users": [
- {
- "user_id": "demoUserId",
- "active": true,
- "user_creation_date": "2025-01-25T12:00:00Z",
- "data_sources": [
- {
- "source_name": "Fitbit",
- "authorization_date": "2025-01-25T12:00:00Z"
], - "pagination": {
- "total": 2500,
- "total_pages": 5,
- "page": 2,
- "users_per_page": 500,
- "links": {
- "prev_url": "/api/v1/client/users/status?page=1&up_to_date=2025-01-25",
- "current_url": "/api/v1/client/users/status?page=2&up_to_date=2025-01-25",
- "next_url": "/api/v1/client/users/status?page=3&up_to_date=2025-01-25"
Fetches a summary of the user's physical health data for a specified date.
query Parameters
user_id required | string (schema_user_id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,50}$ Example: user_id=demoUserId Unique identifier for the user. Can include numerals, UUID4, strings, or other identifiers. Length must be between 1 to 50 characters. |
date required | string <date> Example: date=2023-01-01 Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Response samples
- 200
- 204
{- "client_uuid": "demoClientUUID",
- "user_id": "demoUserId",
- "version": 2,
- "document_version": 1,
- "data_structure": "physical_summary",
- "physical_health": {
- "summary": {
- "physical_summary": {
- "non_structured_data_array": [
- { }
], - "metadata": {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "sources_of_data_array": [
- "Polar"
], - "user_id_string": "demoUserId"
}, - "activity": {
- "active_seconds_int": 0,
- "continuous_inactive_periods_int": 0,
- "inactivity_seconds_int": 0,
- "low_intensity_seconds_int": 0,
- "moderate_intensity_seconds_int": 0,
- "rest_seconds_int": 0,
- "vigorous_intensity_seconds_int": 0,
- "activity_level_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "activity_level_float": 0.1,
- "activity_level_label_string": "string"
}, - "calories": {
- "calories_basal_metabolic_rate_kcal_float": 0.1,
- "calories_expenditure_kcal_float": 0.1,
- "calories_net_active_kcal_float": 0.1,
- "calories_net_intake_kcal_float": 0.1
}, - "distance": {
- "steps_int": 0,
- "active_steps_int": 0,
- "floors_climbed_float": 0.1,
- "elevation_avg_altitude_meters_float": 0.1,
- "elevation_minimum_altitude_meters_float": 0.1,
- "elevation_maximum_altitude_meters_float": 0.1,
- "elevation_gain_actual_altitude_meters_float": 0.1,
- "elevation_loss_actual_altitude_meters_float": 0.1,
- "elevation_planned_gain_meters_float": 0.1,
- "swimming_num_strokes_float": 0.1,
- "swimming_num_laps_int": 0,
- "swimming_pool_length_meters_float": 0.1,
- "swimming_total_distance_meters_float": 0.1,
- "traveled_distance_meters_float": 0.1,
- "walked_distance_meters_float": 0.1,
- "steps_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "steps_int": 0
], - "active_steps_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "active_steps_int": 0
], - "floors_climbed_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "floors_climbed_float": 0.1
], - "elevation_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "elevation_change_meters_float": 0.1
], - "swimming_distance_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "swimming_distance_meters_float": 0.1
], - "traveled_distance_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "traveled_distance_meters_float": 0.1
}, - "heart_rate": {
- "hr_avg_bpm_int": 0,
- "hr_maximum_bpm_int": 0,
- "hr_minimum_bpm_int": 0,
- "hr_resting_bpm_int": 0,
- "hrv_avg_rmssd_float": 0.1,
- "hrv_avg_sdnn_float": 0.1,
- "hr_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "hr_bpm_int": 0
], - "hrv_rmssd_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "hrv_rmssd_float": 0.1
], - "hrv_sdnn_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "hrv_sdnn_float": 0.1
}, - "oxygenation": {
- "saturation_avg_percentage_int": 0,
- "vo2max_mL_per_min_per_kg_int": 0,
- "saturation_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "saturation_percentage_int": 0
], - "vo2_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "vo2_mL_per_min_per_kg_int": 0
}, - "stress": {
- "high_stress_duration_seconds_int": 0,
- "low_stress_duration_seconds_int": 0,
- "medium_stress_duration_seconds_int": 0,
- "stress_at_rest_duration_seconds_int": 0,
- "stress_avg_level_int": 0,
- "stress_duration_seconds_int": 0,
- "stress_maximum_level_int": 0,
- "stress_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "stress_score_int": 0
Retrieves activity event data for the specified user over a given date.
query Parameters
user_id required | string (schema_user_id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,50}$ Example: user_id=demoUserId Unique identifier for the user. Can include numerals, UUID4, strings, or other identifiers. Length must be between 1 to 50 characters. |
date required | string <date> Example: date=2023-01-01 Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Response samples
- 200
- 204
{- "client_uuid": "demoClientUUID",
- "user_id": "demoUserId",
- "version": 2,
- "document_version": 1,
- "auto_detected": false,
- "data_structure": "activity_event",
- "physical_health": {
- "events": {
- "activity_event": [
- {
- "non_structured_data_array": [
- { }
], - "metadata": {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "sources_of_data_array": [
- "Polar"
], - "user_id_string": "demoUserId",
- "was_the_user_under_physical_activity_bool": true
}, - "activity": {
- "active_seconds_int": 0,
- "activity_duration_seconds_int": 0,
- "activity_end_datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "activity_energy_kilojoules_float": 0.1,
- "activity_energy_planned_kilojoules_float": 0.1,
- "activity_level_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "activity_level_float": 0.1,
- "activity_level_label_string": "string",
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1
], - "activity_start_datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "activity_strain_level_float": 0.1,
- "activity_type_name_string": "HKWorkoutActivityType(rawValue: 46)",
- "activity_work_kilojoules_float": 0.1,
- "continuous_inactive_periods_int": 0,
- "inactivity_seconds_int": 0,
- "low_intensity_seconds_int": 0,
- "moderate_intensity_seconds_int": 0,
- "rest_seconds_int": 0,
- "vigorous_intensity_seconds_int": 0
}, - "calories": {
- "calories_basal_metabolic_rate_kcal_float": 0.1,
- "calories_expenditure_kcal_float": 0.1,
- "calories_net_active_kcal_float": 0.1,
- "calories_net_intake_kcal_float": 0.1,
- "carbohydrate_percentage_of_calories_int": 0,
- "fat_percentage_of_calories_int": 0,
- "protein_percentage_of_calories_int": 0
}, - "distance": {
- "elevation_avg_altitude_meters_float": 0.1,
- "elevation_gain_actual_altitude_meters_float": 0.1,
- "elevation_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "elevation_change_meters_float": 0.1,
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1
], - "elevation_loss_actual_altitude_meters_float": 0.1,
- "elevation_maximum_altitude_meters_float": 0.1,
- "elevation_minimum_altitude_meters_float": 0.1,
- "elevation_planned_gain_meters_float": 0.1,
- "floors_climbed_float": 0.1,
- "floors_climbed_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "floors_climbed_float": 0.1,
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1
], - "steps_int": 0,
- "steps_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "steps_int": 0
], - "swimming_num_laps_int": 0,
- "swimming_distance_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "swimming_distance_meters_float": 0.1
], - "swimming_num_strokes_float": 0.1,
- "swimming_pool_length_meters_float": 0.1,
- "swimming_total_distance_meters_float": 0.1,
- "traveled_distance_meters_float": 0.1,
- "traveled_distance_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "traveled_distance_meters_float": 0.1
], - "walked_distance_meters_float": 0.1
}, - "heart_rate": {
- "hr_avg_bpm_int": 0,
- "hr_maximum_bpm_int": 0,
- "hr_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "hr_bpm_int": 0
], - "hr_minimum_bpm_int": 0,
- "hr_resting_bpm_int": 0,
- "hrv_avg_rmssd_float": 0.1,
- "hrv_avg_sdnn_float": 0.1,
- "hrv_rmssd_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "hrv_rmssd_float": 0.1
], - "hrv_sdnn_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "hrv_sdnn_float": 0.1
}, - "movement": {
- "cadence_avg_rpm_float": 0.1,
- "cadence_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "cadence_rpm_float": 0.1,
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1
], - "cadence_maximum_rpm_float": 0.1,
- "pace_avg_min_per_km_float": 0.1,
- "pace_maximum_min_per_km_float": 0.1,
- "speed_avg_meters_per_second_float": 0.1,
- "lap_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "laps_int": 0
], - "speed_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "speed_meters_per_second_float": 0.1
], - "speed_maximum_meters_per_second_float": 0.1,
- "speed_normalized_meters_per_second_float": 0.1,
- "torque_avg_newton_meters_float": 0.1,
- "torque_maximum_newton_meters_float": 0.1,
- "torque_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "torque_newton_meters_float": 0.1
], - "velocity_avg_object": {
- "direction_string": "string",
- "speed_meters_per_second_float": 0.1
}, - "velocity_maximum_object": {
- "direction_string": "string",
- "speed_meters_per_second_float": 0.1
}, - "oxygenation": {
- "saturation_avg_percentage_int": 0,
- "vo2max_mL_per_min_per_kg_int": 0,
- "saturation_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "saturation_percentage_int": 0
], - "vo2_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "vo2_mL_per_min_per_kg_int": 0
}, - "position": {
- "position_centroid_object": {
- "lat_deg_float": 0.1,
- "lng_deg_float": 0.1
}, - "position_end_object": {
- "lat_deg_float": 0.1,
- "lng_deg_float": 0.1
}, - "position_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "lat_deg_float": 0.1,
- "lng_deg_float": 0.1
], - "position_polyline_map_data_summary_string": "string",
- "position_start_object": {
- "lat_deg_float": 0.1,
- "lng_deg_float": 0.1
}, - "power": {
- "power_avg_watts_float": 0.1,
- "power_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "power_watts_float": 0.1
], - "power_maximum_watts_float": 0.1
}, - "stress": {
- "tss_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "tss_score_int": 0
], - "high_stress_duration_seconds_int": 0,
- "low_stress_duration_seconds_int": 0,
- "medium_stress_duration_seconds_int": 0,
- "stress_at_rest_duration_seconds_int": 0,
- "stress_avg_level_int": 0,
- "stress_duration_seconds_int": 0,
- "stress_maximum_level_int": 0
[Physical][Events][Heart Rate]
Fetches heart rate event data for the specified user on a given date.
query Parameters
user_id required | string (schema_user_id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,50}$ Example: user_id=demoUserId Unique identifier for the user. Can include numerals, UUID4, strings, or other identifiers. Length must be between 1 to 50 characters. |
date required | string <date> Example: date=2023-01-01 Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Response samples
- 200
- 204
{- "client_uuid": "demoClientUUID",
- "user_id": "demoUserId",
- "version": 2,
- "document_version": 1,
- "auto_detected": false,
- "data_structure": "heart_rate_event",
- "physical_health": {
- "events": {
- "heart_rate_event": [
- {
- "non_structured_data_array": [
- { }
], - "metadata": {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "sources_of_data_array": [
- "Polar"
], - "user_id_string": "demoUserId",
- "was_the_user_under_physical_activity_bool": true
}, - "heart_rate": {
- "hr_maximum_bpm_int": 0,
- "hr_minimum_bpm_int": 0,
- "hr_avg_bpm_int": 0,
- "hr_resting_bpm_int": 0,
- "hr_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "hr_bpm_int": 0
], - "hrv_avg_rmssd_float": 0.1,
- "hrv_avg_sdnn_float": 0.1,
- "hrv_sdnn_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "hrv_sdnn_float": 0.1
], - "hrv_rmssd_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "hrv_rmssd_float": 0.1
Retrieves oxygenation event data for a specified user on a given date.
query Parameters
user_id required | string (schema_user_id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,50}$ Example: user_id=demoUserId Unique identifier for the user. Can include numerals, UUID4, strings, or other identifiers. Length must be between 1 to 50 characters. |
date required | string <date> Example: date=2023-01-01 Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Response samples
- 200
- 204
{- "client_uuid": "demoClientUUID",
- "user_id": "demoUserId",
- "version": 2,
- "document_version": 1,
- "auto_detected": false,
- "data_structure": "oxygenation_event",
- "physical_health": {
- "events": {
- "oxygenation_event": [
- {
- "non_structured_data_array": [
- { }
], - "metadata": {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "sources_of_data_array": [
- "Polar"
], - "user_id_string": "demoUserId",
- "was_the_user_under_physical_activity_bool": true
}, - "oxygenation": {
- "saturation_avg_percentage_int": 0,
- "saturation_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "saturation_percentage_int": 0
], - "vo2max_mL_per_min_per_kg_int": 0,
- "vo2_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "vo2_mL_per_min_per_kg_int": 0
Retrieves stress event data for the specified user on a given date.
query Parameters
user_id required | string (schema_user_id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,50}$ Example: user_id=demoUserId Unique identifier for the user. Can include numerals, UUID4, strings, or other identifiers. Length must be between 1 to 50 characters. |
date required | string <date> Example: date=2023-01-01 Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Response samples
- 200
- 204
{- "client_uuid": "demoClientUUID",
- "user_id": "demoUserId",
- "version": 2,
- "document_version": 1,
- "auto_detected": false,
- "data_structure": "stress_event",
- "physical_health": {
- "events": {
- "stress_event": [
- {
- "non_structured_data_array": [
- { }
], - "metadata": {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "sources_of_data_array": [
- "Polar"
], - "user_id_string": "demoUserId",
- "was_the_user_under_physical_activity_bool": true
}, - "stress": {
- "stress_at_rest_duration_seconds_int": 0,
- "stress_duration_seconds_int": 0,
- "low_stress_duration_seconds_int": 0,
- "medium_stress_duration_seconds_int": 0,
- "high_stress_duration_seconds_int": 0,
- "tss_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "tss_score_int": 0
], - "stress_avg_level_int": 0,
- "stress_maximum_level_int": 0
Retrieves a summary of the user's sleep health data for a specified date.
query Parameters
user_id required | string (schema_user_id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,50}$ Example: user_id=demoUserId Unique identifier for the user. Can include numerals, UUID4, strings, or other identifiers. Length must be between 1 to 50 characters. |
date required | string <date> Example: date=2023-01-01 Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Response samples
- 200
- 204
{- "client_uuid": "demoClientUUID",
- "user_id": "demoUserId",
- "version": 2,
- "document_version": 1,
- "data_structure": "sleep_summary",
- "sleep_health": {
- "summary": {
- "sleep_summary": {
- "non_structured_data_array": [
- { }
], - "metadata": {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "sources_of_data_array": [
- "Polar"
], - "user_id_string": "demoUserId"
}, - "duration": {
- "sleep_start_datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "sleep_end_datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "sleep_date_string": "string",
- "sleep_duration_seconds_int": 0,
- "time_in_bed_seconds_int": 0,
- "light_sleep_duration_seconds_int": 0,
- "rem_sleep_duration_seconds_int": 0,
- "deep_sleep_duration_seconds_int": 0,
- "time_to_fall_asleep_seconds_int": 0,
- "time_awake_during_sleep_seconds_int": 0
}, - "scores": {
- "sleep_quality_rating_1_5_score_int": 0,
- "sleep_efficiency_1_100_score_int": 0,
- "sleep_goal_seconds_int": 0,
- "sleep_continuity_1_5_score_int": 0,
- "sleep_continuity_1_5_rating_int": 0
}, - "heart_rate": {
- "hr_maximum_bpm_int": 0,
- "hr_minimum_bpm_int": 0,
- "hr_avg_bpm_int": 0,
- "hr_resting_bpm_int": 0,
- "hr_basal_bpm_int": 0,
- "hr_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "hr_bpm_int": 0
], - "hrv_avg_rmssd_float": 0.1,
- "hrv_avg_sdnn_float": 0.1,
- "hrv_sdnn_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "hrv_sdnn_float": 0.1
], - "hrv_rmssd_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "hrv_rmssd_float": 0.1
}, - "temperature": {
- "temperature_avg_object": {
- "measurement_type_string": "string",
- "temperature_celsius_float": 0.1
}, - "temperature_delta_object": {
- "measurement_type_string": "string",
- "temperature_celsius_float": 0.1
}, - "temperature_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "measurement_type_string": "string",
- "temperature_celsius_float": 0.1
], - "temperature_maximum_object": {
- "measurement_type_string": "string",
- "temperature_celsius_float": 0.1
}, - "temperature_minimum_object": {
- "measurement_type_string": "string",
- "temperature_celsius_float": 0.1
}, - "breathing": {
- "breaths_minimum_per_min_int": 0,
- "breaths_avg_per_min_int": 0,
- "breaths_maximum_per_min_int": 0,
- "breathing_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "breaths_per_min_int": 0
], - "snoring_events_count_int": 0,
- "snoring_duration_total_seconds_int": 0,
- "snoring_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "snoring_events_count_int": 0
], - "saturation_avg_percentage_int": 0,
- "saturation_minimum_percentage_int": 0,
- "saturation_maximum_percentage_int": 0,
- "saturation_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float_number": 0.1,
- "saturation_percentage_int": 0
Retrieves a summary of the user's body health data for a specified date.
query Parameters
user_id required | string (schema_user_id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,50}$ Example: user_id=demoUserId Unique identifier for the user. Can include numerals, UUID4, strings, or other identifiers. Length must be between 1 to 50 characters. |
date required | string <date> Example: date=2023-01-01 Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Response samples
- 200
- 204
{- "client_uuid": "demoClientUUID",
- "user_id": "demoUserId",
- "version": 2,
- "document_version": 1,
- "data_structure": "body_summary",
- "body_health": {
- "summary": {
- "body_summary": {
- "non_structured_data_array": [
- { }
], - "metadata": {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "sources_of_data_array": [
- "Polar"
], - "user_id_string": "demoUserId"
}, - "body_metrics": {
- "waist_circumference_cm_int": 80,
- "hip_circumference_cm_int": 95,
- "chest_circumference_cm_int": 100,
- "bone_composition_percentage_int": 15,
- "muscle_composition_percentage_int": 40,
- "water_composition_percentage_int": 55,
- "weight_kg_float": 70.5,
- "height_cm_int": 170,
- "bmi_float": 24.4
}, - "blood_glucose": {
- "blood_glucose_avg_mg_per_dL_int": 95,
- "blood_glucose_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 10,
- "blood_glucose_mg_per_dL_int": 100
}, - "blood_pressure": {
- "blood_pressure_avg_object": {
- "systolic_mmHg_int": 120,
- "diastolic_mmHg_int": 80
}, - "blood_pressure_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 10,
- "systolic_mmHg_int": 120,
- "diastolic_mmHg_int": 80
}, - "hydration": {
- "water_total_consumption_mL_int": 2500,
- "hydration_amount_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 10,
- "hydration_amount_mL_int": 300
], - "hydration_level_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 10,
- "hydration_level_percentage_int": 75
}, - "heart_rate": {
- "hr_maximum_bpm_int": 110,
- "hr_minimum_bpm_int": 55,
- "hr_avg_bpm_int": 70,
- "hr_resting_bpm_int": 65,
- "hr_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 10,
- "hr_bpm_int": 72
], - "hrv_avg_rmssd_float": 40.5,
- "hrv_avg_sdnn_float": 50.2,
- "hrv_sdnn_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 10,
- "hrv_sdnn_float": 0.1
], - "hrv_rmssd_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 10,
- "hrv_rmssd_float": 0.1
}, - "mood": {
- "mood_minimum_scale_int": 2,
- "mood_avg_scale_int": 4,
- "mood_maximum_scale_int": 5,
- "mood_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 10,
- "mood_scale_int": 1
], - "mood_delta_scale_int": 3
}, - "nutrition": {
- "food_intake_float": 2100.5,
- "calories_intake_kcal_float": 2100.5,
- "protein_intake_g_float": 2100.5,
- "sugar_intake_g_float": 2100.5,
- "fat_intake_g_float": 2100.5,
- "trans_fat_intake_g_float": 2100.5,
- "carbohydrates_intake_g_float": 2100.5,
- "fiber_intake_g_float": 2100.5,
- "alcohol_intake_g_float": 2100.5,
- "sodium_intake_mg_float": 2100.5,
- "cholesterol_intake_mg_float": 2100.5
}, - "oxygenation": {
- "saturation_avg_percentage_int": 98,
- "saturation_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 10,
- "saturation_percentage_int": 99
], - "vo2max_mL_per_min_per_kg_int": 55,
- "vo2_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 10,
- "vo2_mL_per_min_per_kg_int": 60
}, - "temperature": {
- "temperature_avg_object": {
- "measurement_type_string": "skin",
- "temperature_celsius_float": 33.8
}, - "temperature_delta_object": {
- "measurement_type_string": "skin",
- "temperature_celsius_float": 33.8
}, - "temperature_maximum_object": {
- "measurement_type_string": "skin",
- "temperature_celsius_float": 33.8
}, - "temperature_minimum_object": {
- "measurement_type_string": "skin",
- "temperature_celsius_float": 33.8
}, - "temperature_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 10,
- "measurement_type_string": "skin",
- "temperature_celsius_float": 33.8
}, - "menstruation": {
- "last_updated_datetime_string": "string",
- "period_start_date_string": "2022-10-28",
- "cycle_day_int": 5,
- "predicted_cycle_length_days_int": 28,
- "cycle_length_days_int": 30,
- "current_phase_string": "follicular",
- "length_of_current_phase_days_int": 7,
- "days_until_next_phase_int": 3,
- "is_a_predicted_cycle_bool": true,
- "menstruation_flow_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 10,
- "flow_mL_int": 5
[Body][Events][Body Metrics]
Retrieves body metrics event data for a specified user on a given date.
query Parameters
user_id required | string (schema_user_id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,50}$ Example: user_id=demoUserId Unique identifier for the user. Can include numerals, UUID4, strings, or other identifiers. Length must be between 1 to 50 characters. |
date required | string <date> Example: date=2023-01-01 Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Response samples
- 200
- 204
{- "client_uuid": "demoClientUUID",
- "user_id": "demoUserId",
- "version": 2,
- "document_version": 1,
- "auto_detected": false,
- "data_structure": "body_metrics_event",
- "body_health": {
- "events": {
- "body_metrics_event": [
- {
- "non_structured_data_array": [
- { }
], - "metadata": {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "sources_of_data_array": [
- "Polar"
], - "user_id_string": "demoUserId",
- "was_the_user_under_physical_activity_bool": true
}, - "body_metrics": {
- "waist_circumference_cm_int": 0,
- "hip_circumference_cm_int": 0,
- "chest_circumference_cm_int": 0,
- "bone_composition_percentage_int": 0,
- "muscle_composition_percentage_int": 0,
- "water_composition_percentage_int": 0,
- "weight_kg_float": 0.1,
- "height_cm_int": 0,
- "bmi_float": 0.1
[Body][Events][Heart Rate]
Retrieves heart rate event data for the specified user on a given date.
query Parameters
user_id required | string (schema_user_id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,50}$ Example: user_id=demoUserId Unique identifier for the user. Can include numerals, UUID4, strings, or other identifiers. Length must be between 1 to 50 characters. |
date required | string <date> Example: date=2023-01-01 Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Response samples
- 200
- 204
{- "client_uuid": "demoClientUUID",
- "user_id": "demoUserId",
- "version": 2,
- "document_version": 1,
- "auto_detected": false,
- "data_structure": "heart_rate_event",
- "body_health": {
- "events": {
- "heart_rate_event": [
- {
- "non_structured_data_array": [
- { }
], - "metadata": {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "sources_of_data_array": [
- "Polar"
], - "user_id_string": "demoUserId",
- "was_the_user_under_physical_activity_bool": true
}, - "heart_rate": {
- "hr_maximum_bpm_int": 0,
- "hr_minimum_bpm_int": 0,
- "hr_avg_bpm_int": 0,
- "hr_resting_bpm_int": 0,
- "hr_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "hr_bpm_int": 0
], - "hrv_avg_rmssd_float": 0.1,
- "hrv_avg_sdnn_float": 0.1,
- "hrv_sdnn_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "hrv_sdnn_float": 0.1
], - "hrv_rmssd_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "hrv_rmssd_float": 0.1
Retrieves oxygenation event data for the specified user on a given date.
query Parameters
user_id required | string (schema_user_id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,50}$ Example: user_id=demoUserId Unique identifier for the user. Can include numerals, UUID4, strings, or other identifiers. Length must be between 1 to 50 characters. |
date required | string <date> Example: date=2023-01-01 Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Response samples
- 200
- 204
{- "client_uuid": "demoClientUUID",
- "user_id": "demoUserId",
- "version": 2,
- "document_version": 1,
- "auto_detected": false,
- "data_structure": "oxygenation_event",
- "body_health": {
- "events": {
- "oxygenation_event": [
- {
- "non_structured_data_array": [
- { }
], - "metadata": {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "sources_of_data_array": [
- "Polar"
], - "user_id_string": "demoUserId",
- "was_the_user_under_physical_activity_bool": true
}, - "oxygenation": {
- "saturation_avg_percentage_int": 0,
- "saturation_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "saturation_percentage_int": 0
], - "vo2max_mL_per_min_per_kg_int": 0,
- "vo2_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "vo2_mL_per_min_per_kg_int": 0
Retrieves nutrition event data for the specified user on a given date.
query Parameters
user_id required | string (schema_user_id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,50}$ Example: user_id=demoUserId Unique identifier for the user. Can include numerals, UUID4, strings, or other identifiers. Length must be between 1 to 50 characters. |
date required | string <date> Example: date=2023-01-01 Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Response samples
- 200
- 204
{- "client_uuid": "demoClientUUID",
- "user_id": "demoUserId",
- "version": 2,
- "document_version": 1,
- "auto_detected": false,
- "data_structure": "nutrition_event",
- "body_health": {
- "events": {
- "nutrition_event": [
- {
- "non_structured_data_array": [
- { }
], - "metadata": {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "sources_of_data_array": [
- "Polar"
], - "user_id_string": "demoUserId",
- "was_the_user_under_physical_activity_bool": true
}, - "nutrition": {
- "food_intake_float": 0.1,
- "calories_intake_kcal_float": 0.1,
- "protein_intake_g_float": 0.1,
- "sugar_intake_g_float": 0.1,
- "fat_intake_g_float": 0.1,
- "trans_fat_intake_g_float": 0.1,
- "carbohydrates_intake_g_float": 0.1,
- "fiber_intake_g_float": 0.1,
- "alcohol_intake_g_float": 0.1,
- "sodium_intake_mg_float": 0.1,
- "cholesterol_intake_mg_float": 0.1
Retrieves mood event data for the specified user on a given date.
query Parameters
user_id required | string (schema_user_id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,50}$ Example: user_id=demoUserId Unique identifier for the user. Can include numerals, UUID4, strings, or other identifiers. Length must be between 1 to 50 characters. |
date required | string <date> Example: date=2023-01-01 Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Response samples
- 200
- 204
{- "client_uuid": "demoClientUUID",
- "user_id": "demoUserId",
- "version": 2,
- "document_version": 1,
- "auto_detected": false,
- "data_structure": "mood_event",
- "body_health": {
- "events": {
- "mood_event": [
- {
- "non_structured_data_array": [
- { }
], - "metadata": {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "sources_of_data_array": [
- "Polar"
], - "user_id_string": "demoUserId",
- "was_the_user_under_physical_activity_bool": true
}, - "mood": {
- "mood_minimum_scale_int": 0,
- "mood_avg_scale_int": 0,
- "mood_maximum_scale_int": 0,
- "mood_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "mood_scale_int": 0
], - "mood_delta_scale_int": 0
Retrieves hydration event data for the specified user on a given date.
query Parameters
user_id required | string (schema_user_id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,50}$ Example: user_id=demoUserId Unique identifier for the user. Can include numerals, UUID4, strings, or other identifiers. Length must be between 1 to 50 characters. |
date required | string <date> Example: date=2023-01-01 Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Response samples
- 200
- 204
{- "client_uuid": "demoClientUUID",
- "user_id": "demoUserId",
- "version": 2,
- "document_version": 1,
- "auto_detected": false,
- "data_structure": "hydration_event",
- "body_health": {
- "events": {
- "hydration_event": [
- {
- "non_structured_data_array": [
- { }
], - "metadata": {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "sources_of_data_array": [
- "Polar"
], - "user_id_string": "demoUserId",
- "was_the_user_under_physical_activity_bool": true
}, - "hydration": {
- "water_total_consumption_mL_int": 0,
- "hydration_amount_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "hydration_amount_mL_int": 0
], - "hydration_level_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "interval_duration_seconds_float": 0.1,
- "hydration_level_percentage_int": 0
[Body][Events][Blood Glucose]
Retrieves blood glucose event data for the specified user on a given date.
query Parameters
user_id required | string (schema_user_id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,50}$ Example: user_id=demoUserId Unique identifier for the user. Can include numerals, UUID4, strings, or other identifiers. Length must be between 1 to 50 characters. |
date required | string <date> Example: date=2023-01-01 Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Response samples
- 200
- 204
{- "client_uuid": "demoClientUUID",
- "user_id": "demoUserId",
- "version": 2,
- "document_version": 1,
- "auto_detected": false,
- "data_structure": "blood_glucose_event",
- "body_health": {
- "events": {
- "blood_glucose_event": [
- {
- "non_structured_data_array": [
- { }
], - "metadata": {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "sources_of_data_array": [
- "Polar"
], - "user_id_string": "demoUserId",
- "was_the_user_under_physical_activity_bool": true
}, - "blood_glucose": {
- "blood_glucose_avg_mg_per_dL_int": 0,
- "blood_glucose_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "blood_glucose_mg_per_dL_int": 0
[Body][Events][Blood Pressure]
Retrieves blood pressure event data for the specified user on a given date.
query Parameters
user_id required | string (schema_user_id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,50}$ Example: user_id=demoUserId Unique identifier for the user. Can include numerals, UUID4, strings, or other identifiers. Length must be between 1 to 50 characters. |
date required | string <date> Example: date=2023-01-01 Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Response samples
- 200
- 204
{- "client_uuid": "demoClientUUID",
- "user_id": "demoUserId",
- "version": 2,
- "document_version": 1,
- "auto_detected": false,
- "data_structure": "blood_pressure_event",
- "body_health": {
- "events": {
- "blood_pressure_event": [
- {
- "non_structured_data_array": [
- { }
], - "metadata": {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "sources_of_data_array": [
- "Polar"
], - "user_id_string": "demoUserId",
- "was_the_user_under_physical_activity_bool": true
}, - "blood_pressure": {
- "blood_pressure_avg_object": {
- "systolic_mmHg_int": 0,
- "diastolic_mmHg_int": 0
}, - "blood_pressure_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "systolic_mmHg_int": 0,
- "diastolic_mmHg_int": 0
Retrieves body temperature event data for the specified user on a given date.
query Parameters
user_id required | string (schema_user_id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,50}$ Example: user_id=demoUserId Unique identifier for the user. Can include numerals, UUID4, strings, or other identifiers. Length must be between 1 to 50 characters. |
date required | string <date> Example: date=2023-01-01 Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Response samples
- 200
- 204
{- "client_uuid": "demoClientUUID",
- "user_id": "demoUserId",
- "version": 2,
- "document_version": 1,
- "auto_detected": false,
- "data_structure": "temperature_event",
- "body_health": {
- "events": {
- "temperature_event": [
- {
- "non_structured_data_array": [
- { }
], - "metadata": {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "sources_of_data_array": [
- "Polar"
], - "user_id_string": "demoUserId",
- "was_the_user_under_physical_activity_bool": true
}, - "temperature": {
- "temperature_avg_object": {
- "temperature_celcius_float": 0.1,
- "measurement_type_string": "string"
}, - "temperature_maximum_object": {
- "temperature_celcius_float": 0.1,
- "measurement_type_string": "string"
}, - "temperature_minimum_object": {
- "temperature_celcius_float": 0.1,
- "measurement_type_string": "string"
}, - "temperature_delta_object": {
- "temperature_celcius_float": 0.1,
- "measurement_type_string": "string"
}, - "temperature_granular_data_array": [
- {
- "datetime_string": "2023-12-29T21:07:14.402999Z",
- "temperature_celsius_float": 0.1,
- "measurement_type_string": "string"